Artemesia 'Powis Castle' could be considered either a groundcover or a low shrub. It is xeric.
Strawberry Tree/Arbutus unedo, slow growing to small tree. The small edible fruit looks something like strawberries, but is not tasty. This shrub is xeric.
Howard McMinn Manzanita/Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Howard McMinn' like all manzanitas has beautiful dark red bark. it should grow here, but I have not tried growing it. The one pictured is in Hesperia. It is very xeric.
Baja Fairy Duster/Calliandra californica is identified as evergreen in the Sunset book, but in my yard it is deciduous. Unfortunately the beautiful red-flowered species does not survive Barstow winters.
Bush Morning Glory/Convolvulus cneorum needs regular water. The flowers are white and similar to Morning Glory flowers in size and shape
Cotoneaster ssp. I do not know which Cotoneaster this is. Cotoneaster and Pyracantha look much the same except that Cotoneaster does not have thorns and Pyracantha does. This shrub is xeric.
Mormon Tea/Ephedra nevadensis has the appearance of being evergreen because its twigs are green. There are rarely any leaves. This plant is native to the Barstow area and therefore is very xeric, requiring water only until it is established.
Turpentine Bush/Ericameria latricifolia is a desert plant. It works well to soften the appearance of plantings of cacti and yuccas.
Golden Euonymous/Euonymous ssp. has varieties with green leaves, with green and golden, or with green and silver. It may be trimmed as a hedge or topiary. The plant in the background with the red is a Red Tip Photinia, shown again below.
Apache Plume/Fallgia paradoxa is an unruly shrub that needs to be cut back to the ground occasionally. The flowers and fluffy seedpods are its most interesting feature. This is a xeric plant.
Coffeeberry/Frangula californica formerly Rhamnus californica is a xeric plant, native to California. It is evergreen in Barstow, but the leaves are damaged by the Winter cold.
Flannel Bush/Fremontodendron californica is a very xeric plant, native to the northern foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains. Once it is established it only needs occasional water in summer. It has lovely yellow flowers that age to a copper color. The fuzzy leaves can cause skin irritation.
Curry Plant/Helichrysum italicum is a very xeric bush with silvery fuzzy leaves that smell and taste like curry. Despite what the Sunset book says, it grows well in Barstow. The leaves are not really edible, but can be used as flavoring. It has yellow flowers.
Toyon, California Holly/Heteromeles arbutifolia has not survived in my yard, but the nursery that planted it, thought that it should. The plant pictured is in Hesperia.
Chinese Holly/Ilex cornuta is most commonly found in the 'Burford' variety. It has the traditional holly-shaped leaves and red berries. It needs regular water if it is to do well in Barstow.
Chinese Juniper/Juniperus chinensis has many varieties, some of which are shrubs. Others are trees and still others are groundcovers. All are xeric. This particular one is more commonly called a Hollywood Juniper. Junipers and Cypresses look a lot alike, but Junipers have berries that look like small blueberries while Cypresses have what look like marble-size round cones.
Chinese Juiper/Juiperus chinensis 'Spartan', this one is more commonly called a Spartan Juniper
Japanese Juniper/Juniperus japanicus has many varieties, some of which are shrubs. Frankly, I can't tell one juniper from another. But this one looks like it might be possible to trim it in a Japanese style.
Creosote Bush/Larrea tridentata is the largest native plant in the Barstow area. It is scraggly looking, but does not mind being trimmed. After Spring rains, it is covered with small yellow flowers, followed by white puffball seedpods. It is of course very xeric, and only needs water until it is established.
Violet Silverleaf/Leucophyllum candidum or
Texas Ranger/Leucophyllum frutescens comes with either bright green leaves, or gray-toned leaves. It can be pruned into a compact form, or left natural. The flowers are produced in the summer and depend on the watering. I have both the green and gray varieties and am not sure which species my gray ones are. This is a xeric plant.
Heavenly Bamboo/Nandina domestica is not a bamboo, although the joined stems and thin leaves slightly resemble banboo. This is once of the few plants that grow in Barstow that have red berries in the winter. In an exposed location, the foliage also turns bright red in the winter. This is a xeric shrub but it does better with regular water.
Oleander/Nerium oleander can be trimed as a shrub, hedge, or tree. In the Spring it has flowers ranging from white to red to purple depending on the variety. All parts of the plant are poisonous. It is very xeric and can reseed. The one in the picture is next to the street, but other than that does not get any water other than the occasional Barstow rain.
Red-tipped Photinia/Photinia x fraserii has red shoots in the Spring which turn into red leaves. It can be clipped to form a hedge or topiary.
Oriental Arborvitae/Platycladus orientalis formerly Thuja orientalis has a distinct teardrop shape when it is small. It works well in a formal garden.
Yew Pine/Podocarpus macrophyllus has a more compact shape when it is smaller.
Fire Thorn/Pyracantha ssp. is a thorny shrub that is covered with red berries in the winter. Birds love the berries. It is susceptible to fireblight, but I have not had any problems with it. It requires moderate water. It can be left natural or pruned to any shape. I cannot tell one Pyracantha from another. And as far as i know, unlike Cotoneasters, which they resemble, they all have thorns.
It flowers practically year around and attracts bees. A very xeric plant, it does reseed itself to some extent.
Lavender Cotton/Santolina chamaecyparissus has juniper-like fuzzy gray foliage. In the Spring it is covered with flowers that are like fuzzy yellow buttons. When the flowers die, they must be sheared off or the entire plant will die. It is a xeric shrub.
Desert Cassia/Senna nemophila formerly Cassia eremophila blooms for a short time in March.It is very xeric, being used by Caltrans in desert freeway plantings.
Texas Mountain Laurel/Sophora secundiflora can be classified as a small tree that is very slow growing. In March it has wisteria-like cascades of purple flowers that have a lemonade scent. The seeds are poisonous. The plant is xeric.
Salt Cedar/Tamarix parviflora is the invasive Tamarisk species that flourishes in the river bottom. None-the-less it is a large attractive shrub that is covered with sprays of small pink flowers in the Spring.
According to the Sunset book, the following evergreen shrubs should also grow in Barstow.
Glossy Abelia/Abelia grandiflora, regular water
Indian Mallow/Abutilon palmeri, xeric
Arizona Madrone/Arbutus arizonica, xeric
Big Sage Brush/Artemisa tridentata, xeric
Four-Wing Saltbush/Atriplex canescens, xeric
Japanese Aucuba/Aucuba japonica, regular water
Dwarf Coyote Brush/Baccharis pilularis, xeric
Desert Broom/Baccharis sarothroides, very xeric
Wintergreen Barberry/Berberis julianai
Woolly Butterfly Bush/Buddleia marruliifolia
Boxwood/Buxus, regular water
Winterfat/Ceratoides lanata
Damianita/Chrysactinia, xeric
/Corokia cotoneaster
Pyrenees Cotoneaster/Cotoneaster congestus, xeric
Bearberry/Cotoneaster dammeri, xeric
Blue-leaf Cotoneaster/Cotoneaster glaucophyllus, xeric
Willowleaf Cotoneaster/Cotoneaster salicifolius, xeric
Black Dalea/Dalea frutescens
Winter Daphne/Daphne odora, moderate water
Bush Poppy/Dendromecon rigida, xeric
Purple Hop Bush/Dodonaea viscosa 'Purpurea', xeric, dark foliage in Winter
Silver Berry/Eleagnus pungens, moderate water
Bluestem Joint Fir/Ephedra equisetina
Bronze Loquat/Eriobotryi deflexa
Evergreen Euonymous/Euonymous japonicus
Yellow Bush Daisy/Euryops ocraeus, moderate water.
Yellow Bush Daisy/Euryops pectinatus, moderate water
/Halimiocistus, xeric, white flowers
Desert Lavender/Hyptis emoryi, xeric
Inkberry/Ilex glabra, black berries
Yaupon/Ilex vomitoria, red berries
Savin Juniper/Juniperus sabina
/Juniperus scopulorum
/Juniperus squamata
/Juniperus virginiana
English Lavender/Lavandula angustifolia, moderate water
Broadleaf Lavender/Lavandula latifolia
Spanish Lavender/Lavandula stoechas, xeric
Lion's Tail/Leonotis leonurus, very xeric
Chihuahua Sage/Leucophyllum laevigatum
/Leucophyllum langmaniae
/Leucophyllum pruinosum
/Leucophyllum revolutum
/Leucophyllum zygoplyllum
Japanese Privet/Ligustrum japonicum
Glossy Privet/Ligustrum lucidum
California Privet/Ligustrum ovalifolicum, some varities are deciduous
Oregon Grape/Mahonia aquifolium, moderate water, edible berries
Desert Mahonia/Mahonia fremontii
Leatherleaf Mahonia/Mahonia japonica, regular water
/Mahonia trifoliolata
Myrtle/Myrtus communix, xeric
Jerusalem Sage/Phlomis fruticasa
/Phlomis italica
/Phlomis lanata
/Phlomis purpurea
Chinese Photinia/Photinia serratifolia
Pittosporum/Pittosporum tobira
Carolina Laurel Cherry/Prunus caroliniam
Hollyleaf Chery/Prunus ilicifolia
Narrow-leafed Fire Thorn/Pyracantha angustifolia
Red Fire Thorn/Pyracantha coccinea
/Pyracantha crenatoserrata
/Pyracantha kordzumii
Italian Buckthorn/Rhamnes alternus
Sugar Bush/Rhus ovata, xeric
Evergreen Sumac/Rhus virens, xeric
California Sage/Salvia apiana, xeric
Cleveland Sage/Salvia clevelandii, xeric, short-lived
Desert Sage/Salvia dorrii, xeric
Little-leafed Sage/Salvia microphylla
Jojoba/Simmondsia chinensis, very xeric, edible nuts
/Santolina pinnata
/Sophora arizonica, moderate water
it should grow here, but I have not tried growing it.The one pictured is in Hesperia. It is very xeric. evergreen shrubs